Page name: The Backtable Group [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-12 04:22:09
Last author: risky
Owner: withWater
# of watchers: 36
D20: 8
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Being wild & pagan
Getting people to stare
Wearing in your face clothing
Being crazy
Taping things to the walls
[*Almost*] getting kicked out of the commons
Watching Monty Python & Moulin Rouge
Spontaneously reciting various lines from Online cartoons
Being into bondage and kinkiness in general
Having Dane(crazy guy who can jump over cars, and is not perverted [how is this possible?!?!?], did I mention he's our self-titled slave?)
Drinking Dane's BAWLS...
Having awesome music taste
Duct tape
lighting giant mushrooms on fire while everyone huddles around for warmth...mmmm...toasted giant mushroom
Punk/folk/goth/anime/stoners/everyother fucking group
Having alcohol *cough* [*I mean coffee*]
Blowing fire!
Skaning to skatastic music
Waging war against the school administration
Sneaking out at night
Plotting WORLD DOMINATION! (Froggy Edit: And plotting the BT party for the day the world ends!)
Riding in cars with boys
And girls too!



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bt news '06 (2)

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The Never Ending BT Story

Little Yellow Guy

Lil' Hood

cyanide and happiness

Marta's Going Away Party

Spirit Week '06


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This is Shannyn...

This is Avivah...

OK... Maybe this is Avivah...

...and this... is... SCARY...

This one can be uh... Marta!

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2007-09-16 [Syn's Desire]: damn...i feel bad for you....

2007-09-17 [insanity prawn boy]: yeah. i have an in-class essay every class period in english for the next week and a half. we get to know nothing about any of them to improve our improv skills (there's another word for it, but i can't think of it). the first 4 are all 3 pages, and they're just practice for the actual test next week wednesday, which will be 6.

2007-09-17 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha fun fun fun . good luck with that

yeah, i think this essay could quite possibly bew the stupidest thing I've ever written. I WANT TO BURN IT!!!!!!

btw.. im in the library on campus right now...being uber bored

next class isnt for another 2 hours or so. but I'm off to meet laura for lunch. PEACE OUT. =]

2007-09-17 [Sweet Surrender]: Your always on campus on MWF...I should know...b/c I'm your chaffear...

2007-09-17 [Syn's Desire]: lol. nice....I was on Orchard ridge campus yesterday.....there's a geo cash on campus/....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: bok bok bok bok bok .  I'm a chicken =]

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: chicken? better hope there isn't any black person around....youd get eaten right up....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! dont eat little chickens.


2007-09-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: mmmmm....chicken....aaaaaghh!

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: I like meat though....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: EEEP!  dont eat the chicken!  boca makes reaaaaaallly good immitation chicken nuggets. yummmy.

yeah, not a fan of meat--- which is why i dont eat it.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hey.. everyone, do my new POLL. It's about new tattoos.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: i like's good.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: i dont. =[ but it's all good. to each his/her own. I dont like to force my beliefs on anyone. =]

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha my smiley faces made brackets.

make with the poll voting people!!

2007-09-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: it was the ducttape question...

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: nice,

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: i just changed it.  oopsie.  i'm a techno-lameo aparently

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: lol, i answered it!

2007-09-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: lol...did it

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: sweet.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: np!

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yay. man. i'm having such a hard time deciding... but i wont be getting it for another few months 'cause i cant afford any more right now, i just spent 300..

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: wow....i wnana get one or two or 5 but i gotta wait till i'm done with Basic and tech school.

2007-09-18 [risky]: you should get justins name across your bewbs

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yeah. hahaha well it's just the four for now, then i want at least 4 more then i'm done.
but I'm tihnking of getting my eyebrow pierced on my birthday because I want to do SOMETHING but I cant afford another tattoo and it's only 55 for an eyebrow piercing.. what do you think?

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: lol, check out and search USAF, there's some cool shit there....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha random much?

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: no, there was one there i was htinking of tunring into a tatto.

says "private property of a US Airman!"

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha that would be interesting.

where would you get it?

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: I'll give you twenty guesses.....and the first 18 don't count.

2007-09-18 [risky]: um... ur mom?

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahaha I dont even want to know do I?

please dont get a tramp stamp =[

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: no.
very no.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: That's not my tramp stamp.....

that one would go...down. or on my upper arm....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahahahahaha  wow. okay, nevermind.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: I think you should get the air force crest/logo thing on your upper arm..

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha I think Josh should get a shirt that says "Air Force brother- mess with me and you'll have to deal with my sister."

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: I actualy want ot get the logo done....

i'm gettign him that shirt...

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha =]
nice, isnt it?

yes. I've decided we should get tattoos together =]
I'll help you through your fear of needles.

you may know a lot of things, but I know tattoos. XD

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: Sounds goo dto me. I'll fly you out to where ever i am, and we;ll do it.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha sounds like a plan. XD

god, I love tattoos. My mom is starting to get annoyed by my constant talk about wanting more. hehehe.  but hey, they are all, and will all, be covered simply by wearing a t-shirt and pants with shoes... nothing really visible.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: yeha, i really wnat mine, and i handled the needles at MEPS like i didn't have any porblem with them.....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: shots? much different than tattoos, hehehe. actually, it's easier- if you've got a relatively high tollerance for pain, which I know you do. It's more of an annoying prickly feeling than pain.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: did you say you were getting the logo on your arm? if so, that's the one you should get first becuase the upper arm is the LEAST painful of ALL places to get tattoos. (bottom of the foot is the worst, just so you know =] )

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: ok, i'll listen to you, as you're the expert here....

my issue with tats isn't the gun, it's the sound.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha yep.  i think i'd have to agree with you there. i think the only other person here that's got a tattoo is Coviak.
meh. it's like .... a phone vibrating on a table. it isnt that bad. 

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: yeha i think your right.

we shall see i guess....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yep. =]

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: okay, so according so some random wiki on here, this is the pain index...

• Genitals          1
• Sternum and ribs       2
• Hands and feet        3
• Head           3
• Ankles          3
• Groin          4
• Under arm          4
• Lower back and neck       5
• Calves and outer thighs      5
• Shoulder blades         5
• Upper arms and forearms     6
• Bottom           7

I agree that the foot hurts a hell of a lot more than back and arms.. but someone told me that getting a tattoo on your ass hurts like a mother.. hmm.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: who gets a tatto on thier ass?

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: plenty of people aparently.
but there's worse things.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: oh my fuck. i was on this "tatoos and piercings" group oon Myspace and i had no clue what some of the piercings they were talking about were... so i googled them so i didnt seem stupid. and oh my fuck - baaaaad move.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: like what?

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: umm. like this:

can you imagine how much that would hurt if you were a guy?

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: Good.Freaking.God.

he's got to have the bigest hardon he'll ever have....

that's gotto have hurt....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ooowchy. owchy owchy. prince albert piercings look so PAINFUL!!!! good god...

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: damn. I stand in absoulte awe of thier pain tolerance....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yeah.. insane isnt it? like i said, there's worse things. =]

peace out for awhile.. going shopping. XD (yes, I'm aware it's midnight)

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: dude, i wanna meet the guys who do's insane!

2007-09-18 [risky]: whys that gotta be the biggest hardon that dude will ever have??

but lookie...


random but i cant believe this is marta! like the prettiest pic ever! ok... continue.

2007-09-18 [risky]: hehe


2007-09-18 [Fear of the Soul]: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: wow. nice.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: woooow....

2007-09-18 [Sweet Surrender]: wow...that's a new one...

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: heh heh.  it's so amusing. =]

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: So. Bored.....

2007-09-18 [Sweet Surrender]: borders is fun to walk to when your bored

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: going up there later.

2007-09-18 [Sweet Surrender]: if you go to the one on woodward you can read for hours and listen to all their music...I know it may sound crazy to walk to the one on woodword but drew and I have done it many times.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: i'm goign to bike up there, as it's a little cold to walk that far, but yeah, that's where i'm headed.

2007-09-18 [Sweet Surrender]: have fun

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: will do!

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha it only takes me like 5 minutes to walk to the one on woodward HAHAHA. 

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: I swear, if the workers there got paid on commision, they'd love me by now. 
expecially b/c of the time i bought $300 in books. XD

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: woow...that's alot a books....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yeah. i think it was only like 13 books though.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: (they were all psych books, some really large reference books and such, and some other small ones)

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: Wow. I'm jsut goign to get sumthign to read....

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha. yeah, i do that occasionaly, but I think ive got enough for now that i havent read =]

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: lol, i haven't had anythign to read in a while/.

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: haha.  you can always come to my house and steal from my library =]

but that's only if you want to read Psych books about schizophrenia/Bipolar disorder/memory/learning/anxiety/fear/drugs/bulima etc/.  haha, i just looked up at my bookshelf and saw those random ones.

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: lol, no, i'm thinking light, "i'm bored lets read a book(read a book, read a motherfuking book!)"

2007-09-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: that'll keep you entertained....

2007-09-18 [Syn's Desire]: i dont' want to be entertained on the comp, i wnat a book.

2007-09-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: bah

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: i agree, books are better than internet.

2007-09-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: its freaky though!!!!

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: .... its not working for me....

2007-09-18 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: drag the mouse up or down...the farther from the canter you drag, the faster it will go

2007-09-18 [Master Of Duct Tape]: no, nothing was showing up. there was an error., but it's all good now, and yeah, that's pretty trippy.. but I've seen cooler things/

2007-09-19 [Sandman666]: video to check if you've got a dirty mind... still funny even if you already know...

2007-09-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: arrrrg maties

2007-09-19 [Obsidian Panthera]: Arr, arr...

2007-09-19 [Syn's Desire]: Swab the decks mates!

2007-09-19 [Obsidian Panthera]: We be huntin' for booty, arr...

2007-09-19 [Syn's Desire]: I got booty....

2007-09-19 [Sandman666]: yarr, we'd be gettin' shanked if we went for your booty...

2007-09-19 [Syn's Desire]: no, YOU'd be getting shanked if you went for me booty.

2007-09-19 [Fear of the Soul]: o_O.... yar?

2007-09-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *coughs* drugs are bad mmmkay?

2007-09-19 [Fear of the Soul]: mmk

2007-09-19 [Syn's Desire]: Drugs are AWESUM!!!!!! who has them adn can i have them?

2007-09-19 [Sandman666]: *shrugs* eh...

2007-09-19 [Fear of the Soul]: uhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

2007-09-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: nope. my drugs arent for sale =]

2007-09-19 [Syn's Desire]: dman,,,,,

2007-09-19 [Master Of Duct Tape]: hahaha  that probably also has to do with the fact that I dont have any. =P

2007-09-20 [Fear of the Soul]: lol niiice

2007-09-20 [Fear of the Soul]: I love how the conversation went from pirates, to drug deals....

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *bows then runs*

2007-09-20 [Obsidian Panthera]: Lol.

2007-09-20 [risky]: yea... go back to the booties

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Booties? like, my ass? Crystal says i have the ass of a Godess..

2007-09-20 [risky]: tis tru

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: *blinks* Is not.

my ass sucks.

2007-09-20 [risky]: ur status says


it took me a sec to notice that said fate lmao

2007-09-20 [risky]: maybe not of a goddess but you surely have the ass of a black girl

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]:, it's a song.

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: nope, ugly ass. hate it. it's horrid.

2007-09-20 [risky]: im pretty sure ive known it was a song since 3rd grade lol its been one of my faves. and its a loverly ass

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Ugly fuckign ass.

I LOVE THAT SONG! Had it stuck in my head all day....

2007-09-20 [risky]: <img:>

very VERY nice ass lmao

and which version do u like?

2007-09-20 [risky]: and i always thought it was strumming my pain... i think it is

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Not a nice ass.

I like them all!

2007-09-20 [risky]: all 23?

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Yep!

2007-09-20 [Sandman666]: cant see the pic...

2007-09-20 [risky]: sucks 4 u

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: i cna't see it either.

2007-09-20 [risky]: happy now??? geez

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: o and my ugly ass....

2007-09-20 [risky]: lol its not ugly!!!

2007-09-20 [Obsidian Panthera]: V, if it's a nice ass, then it's a nice ass. =3

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: It Is Too!

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: yo no dice nada....yo no me gusta problemas...

2007-09-20 [risky]: blah blah blah

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Sheket bavakasha Lyon.

2007-09-20 [risky]: and saying yo no me gusta it redundant

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs* i agree with them v.....*hides behind jackal*

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: it's yo no gusto for him anyways....less he's a chica....

i have an ugly ass!

2007-09-20 [Sandman666]: you have a hot ass, deal with it...

2007-09-20 [risky]: YEA! its a super schmexy ass

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Do not! it's fat and ugly.

2007-09-20 [Nytefox]: actually, it's me gusto for him... you dont need the yo... but anyways... be happy that at least you have an ass V!

2007-09-20 [risky]: actually its no me gusto

2007-09-20 [Obsidian Panthera]: *Looks at Lyon, then back* It's a nice ass. Srysly.

2007-09-20 [risky]: and gusta wouldnt be feminine anyway...

2007-09-20 [risky]: ok ppl im claiming that ass back off unless youre justin ^_^

2007-09-20 [Nytefox]: ok... now the real question is: who else wants MAPLE syrup?

2007-09-20 [Sandman666]: you can ask anybody, they will all tell you that you have a nice ass... even if you ask a gay guy...

2007-09-20 [risky]: yup yup

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Really? O, Jem, the assi s yours, and Bears, but your's too......

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs* jem does have a point with this whole argument...

2007-09-20 [Obsidian Panthera]: MAPLE SYRUP!!

2007-09-20 [risky]: yay!

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: You have my ass.....lucky you.

2007-09-20 [risky]: Arrg... tis meh booty.

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: lol, yeah, your booty....

2007-09-20 [risky]: i want sushi. lets go ?

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: i don't eat fish....

2007-09-20 [risky]: *gasp* no sushi for v?? we can go sake... ing... ? then. or just go to benihanas n u can eat their yummylicious other food *drool*

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: i don't eat fish, otehr then shark and crab......

2007-09-20 [risky]: ok well california rolls are yummylicious but i wanna do a dinner/ party thingie. MAKE IT HAPPEN AVIVAHHHHHH!! but im going to make sugar cookies now so ttyl

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: ok....find a time and gimme a place, and i'll see what i cna do to organiz e it....

2007-09-20 [risky]: gah. fat people are all bitches

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: BULSHA!

2007-09-20 [risky]: ...

2007-09-20 [Obsidian Panthera]: Fat people are fat people. Of course they're bitches. >_>

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: i hate fat people....


2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: damn....yall got issues with the big boned people??? shit, half my family is overweight.

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: <img:>

Fat people's next incarnation....

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: you know...some people dont choose to be overwieght, it can be genetic...

2007-09-20 [risky]: I SWEAR IM GONNA KILL THESE FAT FUCKS.... and that fish if its not careful...

2007-09-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: awww that's a cool fish. dont knock the fishy.

2007-09-20 [risky]: shut up fat person.

im gonna start a genocide of fat ppl. im gonna be hitler...

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: not knockgn the fishiy, jst calling it a fat person's reincanation....

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *growls and walks off*

2007-09-20 [risky]: Es ist Zeit für Rache!
Wir müssen die dicke leute ausrotten!

hehe... i love cartman

2007-09-20 [risky]: why are you growling kyle?

2007-09-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: wow. someone's being bitchy today..

2007-09-20 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks back and glares at jem* prejudices....*growls and leaves*

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: becasue he has an issue with us tesing aabou tthe fat people.

2007-09-20 [risky]: no i just dont like you. and am wondering why you have started talking to me all of the sudden when you hated me so passionately before

2007-09-20 [risky]: just so you know kyle im talking about my parents lmao im not thinking bout neone else. sry to offend you... wanna kiwi?

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Why with the kiwi?

2007-09-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: okay. trying to be civil is a crime now? aparently you're just not very mature. 

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: oy, let it go guys....

2007-09-20 [risky]: cause kiwis are yummylicious ^_^. and my current mood is not the definition of my maturity. im very mature because my life has forced me to be. you have just not seen me in a situation where i need to be. and i have had enough people decide to hate me for no reason and thats all fine and dandy but where the hell do you think im obligated to be nice to you? ha. who cares how i act towards you. you dont see me. you dont have to be around me. just dont read what i type mmkay?


Es ist Zeit für Rache!
Wir müssen die (shannyn's family) ausrotten!



2007-09-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: fuck off. just because I havent seen you
"in action"
doesnt mean I dont know you act like a 5 year old.

and what ever happened to "cause i have no prob with you"
oh yeah, who said that? YOU. 

and it's not like I hate you for no reason, you were a bitch to me. that's a reason.

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: seriously, i didnt think you two were talking to each other....i thought you were talkign to Lyon...

think warm fuzzies!!!! Go here and smile!

2007-09-20 [risky]: um im pretty sure i was never a bitch to you and if i was you shoulda said something then and there. because i act mean sometimes in a joking way n most people know not to take it seriously... if i called drew a pre-pubescent nerd he would call me a stuck up spoiled bitch. we'd laugh and move on with our lives because we DO have lives. and instead of saying shit on a fuckin website like a pussy. you coulda said it when i was at the bt talkin to you durin x-block. you coulda said it when i was lookin at the old pics wit you. but no you just sat there n acted all normal. and yea i have a fuking prob wit you now cause if you hate me then what the fuck are you doing talking to me now when you sure as hell didnt before. make up your fat little mind.

and the fact that im crazy and have no attention span does not mean i act like a 5 yr old. dont act like you know shit about me. because there are people 30 years old who act like i do when they feel like it but when shit needs to be handled it fucking gets done. 

2007-09-20 [Syn's Desire]: Jem, sma, cut it out. Let it go.

2007-09-20 [risky]: oh yea... its called untreated ADHD you ignorant dyke

2007-09-20 [Master Of Duct Tape]: whatever. I guess you can sit there and ramble all you want. I dont care what the fuck you think about me anyway. I just said, yes, you were a bitch, you always had your quick little jokes about how stupid I was and blah, blah, blah. And I'm definetly not the stupid one.

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